Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Jail house rock

Skanky socialite Paris Hilton spends her first day in jail, and according to CNN, she said it was 'cold', and that she had to use 'her blanket as a pillow'. Awww.

The diva is allowed 1 hour a day to leave her cell for basic bathing and workout activities, a far cry from her free-for-all existance that she is accustomed to.

"She’s using this time to reflect on her life, to see what she can do to make the world better and hopefully, in my opinion, to change the attitudes that exist about her among many people" according to her attourney, Richard A. Hutton.

My guess is she's hiding from all the scary convict lesbians waiting for her fresh meat outside of her cell!

[img courtesy of news.com.au]

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